Friday, March 5, 2010

Trail day 10

Monday, July 27th, 2009

Miranda to Flume Canyon

GPS stats: Mileage: 11.69 mi

Today we got a late start on the trail. We had to learn about Burros and how to take care of them and pack them correctly. We got two of them, one was white 71. We named him Samson and then later changed it to Zeus because he was so big. The other one was Blue 45 aka Cracker. He was pretty small and cute.

We hike to Flume Canyon tonight. We are about 6 miles away from Miranda. I led Zeus most of the way until he kept trying to eat my pack and tent. Then I handed him over to someone else. The burros were both pretty well behaved and good walkers, they weren’t awfully slow.

We stopped at Pueblano for spar pole climbing. We signed up for a 4:00 time slot. We hiked on to Flume where we set up camp and ate supper early. Dad and I stayed back to do dishes and hang to bear bags. We got to Pueblano in time to see our crew climb. Archey (a staff member) challenged us to switch gear from one person to another under 45 sec. We tried and tried and finally got it at 37 sec. We got a bag of chips out if it. The Pueblano campfire was great! By far my favorite campfire ever. DJ filled 21 minutes on my memory card and filled his too. We stayed long after campfire talking to the staff. One guy built a banjo for $100. It was great. DJ got a picture of it.

We got back to Flume by 11:30

Thorn: Zeus was being stubborn sometimes.

Rose: Pueblano campfire and staff

Bud: Root beer at Ponil

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