Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trail day 7

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Vista Grande to Santa Clause

GPS stats: Mileage: 7.91 mi

Elevation: about 8000ft

Speed: about 2.8 mi/hour

Today we went from Vista Grande to Santa Clause. Not much to say about today. Santa Clause was a staff camp at some point, there’s an abandoned cabin here. I finally figured out black magic! It is so obvious, I’m going to teach it to Seven Mountains Staff when I get home. We played black magic with B2 tonight, only Bill and Colton figured it out.

Thorn: More blisters

Rose: Spending time with B2 ( we’ve been so busy hiking we haven’t spent much time with our sister crew)

Bud: Seeing Baldy and having a layover day in Miranda.

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