Thursday, March 25, 2010

The weather is getting so nice out lately and sitting at work on break the other week there was a Ducati motorcycle sitting at the red light and it made me want one. So I texted me brother and told him this. He said I needed a car first. I told him I could buy a car and have it paid off in about 5 months and i could get a bike by next summer. He told me I was a dreamer. Basically saying it wasn't going to happen. Thank you big brother for ruining my ambitions.

But here are the two bikes I'm looking into getting anyway:
Kawasaki Ninja 250r

Ducati 600 ss

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Help! Please.

Ok, so I am faced with a minor dilema. I picked up my prom dress this past Saturday and ever since I have been looking for the perfect red high heel to set it off. My dress is white with LOTS of black detail and I thought it would look good with red accessories. I have been surfing the net for the prefect pair. And I have found a few that I like. And I'd like you're opinion. Here you go:



Monday, March 22, 2010

A great Band. Check them out!

I don't mind- Tobasco Donkeys

Well I am looking, I am searching, I have found

Near the ground, my soul, myself, beneath this trail.

There's no other place I'd rather be.

Can't you see me out here walkin' in the rain and hail.

Purpose of life seems to me is

Not to take yourself too seriously.

I wouldn't want to be an old man sittin' in an office

Building someplace far away, with worry on my face.

Well you can take my car, my stereo, my little money.

Leave me with nothin’ but my trail family.

Take my dress up clothes, my cheap cologne,

My college loans I don't mind, I don't mind.

Well if that taxman comes lookin’ I'm at 10,000 feet

Cookin' up some oatmeal or some rice and beans.