Monday, April 19, 2010

I believe....

As we mature and grow up through high school I believe there is a certain level of respect that upper class men need. If we cannot have the freedom of going to the bathroom or getting a drink without asking, how can we grow? How can we mature enough to make it in the real world without having to confirm it with a person of higher authority? We are stuck in a building for 8 hours of our day and expected to not get restless, even as we leave. I agree that there are some kids in the upper class men status that just can't be trusted but that is their problem. The ones that can be trusted should be.

And just to clarify my intentions of this post, I am not complaining I am simply stating my opinion of the rules of this society and how they are enforced. I am not looking to change anything about it because I am out of here in less than two months.