Friday, May 21, 2010

The last trail I am still debating on doing. It is called the Florida trail and it ranges from 1,089 to 1,139 miles long. It goes from Big Cypress to Pensacola.

The blue line is the Florida Trail:
After AT, PCT, and CDT, the North Country Trail is next. The NCT runs from New York to North Dakota and is 4,600 miles.

The brown line is the North Country Trail:

After the AT and PCT, the next trail I'd like to complete is the Continental Divide Trail. This trail goes from New Mexico to Montana. Along with New Mexico and Montana it traverses through Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado. In total, it is 3,100 miles long.
After the Appalachian Trail is completed by my brother and me (maybe even some others) we want to hike from Mexico to Canada. (We'll start out small first ha ha) Here are some facts and pictures from the PCT:

*Passes through 3 states. (California, Oregon, and Washington)
*Climbs nearly 60 major mountain passes.
*Traverses 3 national monuments, 7 national parks, 24 national forests, and 33 federally mandated wildernesses.
*It is 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada. And it finished in British Columbia.

I love this place.

Philmont Scout Ranch

A favorite of Backpacker's Boy Scout readers, Philmont is a "high-adventure base" owned by the Boy Scouts of America. This 137,000-acre area hosts more than 19,000 Scouts each summer on weeklong backpacking trips, the rewards of which are high-mountain splendor, new backcountry skills, and the ever-important Philmont badge. Non-Scouts can get a taste of Philmont-style New Mexico high country by hiking trails in the surrounding Carson National Forest.

For cancer survivors, yoga may boost energy and aid sleep

I believe yoga can be very beneficial to anyone. I want to find a good yoga class and join. Maybe in the next few months I will.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Even though I have a kayak that I just got for Christmas. I wouldn't mind having one like this. Granted I wouldn't be using it on the Juniata or Susquehanna. But if I move to South Carolina or somewhere by the ocean, I will have one.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Susquehanna River is another trip I'd like to take. My dream is to kayak the whole thing. But I doubt I have that much muscle power. So I'm going to settle for doing it in parts. The highlighted orange line is what I want to take on.
A friend and I make weekly trips to Starbucks whenever we can. And I must say these two drinks are by far my favorite. If you're ever near a Starbucks stop in and try one!

The Green Tea Frap.
It may not look appetizing but it is to die for!

Strawberry and Creme Frap.
If you've ever had a strawberry and creme life-saver, this is it in liquid form!

This is an amzing idea for years to come.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My next toy

I hope to make one of these from scratch. Find a base, maybe in an antique store, and build a head for it. I got his idea from an employee of Philmont and he informed me that it only cost him around $100 to do it.

I just finished reading this book, and I must say, it is quite a spectacular book.
The story is about a junior in high school named Camelia. And when a new kid, Ben, comes to the school all Camelia knows is changed. She is suddenly being followed. She finds multiple pictures taken of her in her mail box. At one point she is downstairs in her living room with her best friend, Kimmie, and when she goes back up to her room there is a note on her mirror in bright red lipstick. It doesn't help that there are rumors that Ben had killed his girlfriend before moving to her town.

This is a must read for anyone.