Monday, March 22, 2010

A great Band. Check them out!

I don't mind- Tobasco Donkeys

Well I am looking, I am searching, I have found

Near the ground, my soul, myself, beneath this trail.

There's no other place I'd rather be.

Can't you see me out here walkin' in the rain and hail.

Purpose of life seems to me is

Not to take yourself too seriously.

I wouldn't want to be an old man sittin' in an office

Building someplace far away, with worry on my face.

Well you can take my car, my stereo, my little money.

Leave me with nothin’ but my trail family.

Take my dress up clothes, my cheap cologne,

My college loans I don't mind, I don't mind.

Well if that taxman comes lookin’ I'm at 10,000 feet

Cookin' up some oatmeal or some rice and beans.

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