Thursday, March 18, 2010

Last night after getting home from work my father said he was doing a backpacking demonstration and wanted me to go along. Unfortunately I may have to work. But it got me thinking that there are few people like me. Have you heard anybody else say that they've hiked to the top of a 12,441 ft summit lately?

I often don't know how to react when people say I should be a Girl Scout. It has come up a couple of times in the past few days. It gets me thinking of how people see me. I don't know anyone else that wants to hike for 6 months straight just for the thrill of walking 2,000 some miles over some times rough terrain and dangerous backcountry. Or any girl that is dying to get out on the water for a day of kayaking as soon as the weather warms up. Or any who climb on real rocks and stratagize when their next outing will be.

I recently took a friend to Appilachian Outdoors in State College and she was amazed at the store. I has everything from everyday clothing to rock shoes, from hiking packs to skis and snowboards. I love being able to introduce people to something new and exciting and I hope that some of them stick with it until they simply can't do it anymore. I love talking about things I know so much about. And being able to explain something someone has never heard of before.


  1. For those of us who don't know, what are the primary differences between the focus of the Venturing program and the Girl Scouts?

  2. For me Girl Scouts focused on crafts and activities that weren't always exciting. Which personally I wasn't interested in. I remember sitting around a table at East Derry Elementery and doing crafts. The Venture program gave me a reason to be out and about with my father's troop. It allowed me to hike, rock climb, and simply explore the world around me with people like myself. Growing up in a scouting family I was always on camping trips with Troop 4, which my brother and dad were associated with.
