Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trail day 5

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Clarks Fork to Harlan via Ute Gultch and Window/Cathedral Rock

GPS stats: Mileage: 12 miles

Elevation: 7500

Speed: 2.7 miles/hour

Today we hiked from Clark’s Fork to Harlan and stopped at Ute Gultch to pick up food. We had lunch at Ute Gultch witch was probably the best decision because the trail to Harlan was so bare. There was no tree cover at all. DJ got majorly dehydrated on the way to Harlan and we had to lighten his pack. But he’s doing fine now.

I’m slowly starting to miss home but I know once I leave here I’ll miss Philmont even more.

Thorn: Bad headache after getting into camp

Rose: Beautiful day rain held off until we get to camp and set up camp

Bud: Getting closer to Baldy

The view from Window Rock.

Ute Gulch Commissary

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