Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Change of Heart

I just started Jodi Picoult's Change of Heart, it really got me thinking about if we really know people.

In the book a woman's husband was ran off the road by a drunk driver. The policeman that pulled her from the wreak became a very prominent part of her, and her two year-old daughter, Elizabeth's life. The couple got married about five years after the car accident.

A little while later they found they were pregnant with another little girl. Kurt Nealon, the police officer and husband, hired a contractor to build an addition onto their house. The contractor's mother died of a stroke shortly after he started the project. Kurt was unable to find another contractor that could do the job before the baby's arrival. One day, while Kurt was on call, a man named Shay Bourne showed up at the Nealon's doorstep.

After a few weeks Kurt and Elizabeth were found dead in Elizabeth's room, all signs pointing to Shay Bourne.

The book takes you through the trial and the deliberation of Bourne's death penalty or life without parole.

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