Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Family privacy or Media involvment. Which is more important?

Where should the line be drawn between the public right to know and a crime victim's family's right to privacy?

I believe this article should have a huge impact on where the public should stop being so curious. Pictures of gruesome killings do not need posted all over the country on TVs, the Internet, or newspapers. The posting of these pictures are just an added stress to the victims' families. These families already have to deal with the loss of a loved one. They don't need reminded of how that loved one died.

Why do we tend to gravitate toward unusual crimes? Or even crimes in general? If it were one of my loved ones in this situation, I would be very upset that the public thinks they have a right to know every detail about the crime. The images of the crime should only go as far as the family, if even that.

The public shouldn't have a right to know what is going on in a certain family's life just because something terrible happend to that family. Enough said.

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