Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trail Day 1
Saturday, July 18th, 2009
Zastrow Turnaround to Rim Rock
GPS stats: Mileage:2.78 miles
                Speed:2.9 mi/hr

Well today we hiked to Rim Rock Camp. Rim Rock is a non-staff camp but we went through Abreau. It rained while we were making supper. Then it hailed. We couldn’t get the stoves started because of the elevation and the cold weather. Dad and I took cover under the dining fly. While we were under there he said something very touching. He looked at me and said, “You know you are my inspiration. To see you put on a 40 some pound pack and hike like you did today gave me power.” I almost cried. After we ate we did dishes, hung bear bags, did devotions and thorns and roses.

My thorn: having a heavier pack then I would have liked. (You are only supposed to have a pack 20% of your body weight)
Rose: Being back at Philmont and seeing how our group can work together.
Bud: Seeing the amazing views at Urraca Mesa.

Let me explain thorns and roses; they are done everyday after supper while we are all sitting around the campfire circle. A thorn means something bad that happened that day, or something you didn’t like about the day. A rose is the highlight of the day, or something that you really enjoyed. A bud is your expectations for the next day.

After devotions it got me thinking about how I don’t really connect with God like I should. So I’ve decided to start reading the Bible (unfortunately I only read the Bible while we were on the trail, it just sits on my nightstand now).
Zasrow Turnaround sign

Pack Line before we head out for Rim Rock
Very flat in the south country 
Our female leader with a group of cows at Abreau

The main house at Abreau

Another building at Abreau

Our campsite at Rim Rock; that green tent looking thing is the dining fly I was talking about in the body of this post.

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