Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I have found, near the ground, my soul and myself, beneath this trail...

I was sitting in journalism today, mentally going through all of the Philmont memorabilia that I own. And it occurred to me that a great way to get you to see the magic of Philmont was to post from the journal I wrote while I was there. From beginning to end. I hope you imagine what I do when you read these posts. Along with the entries I will post numerous pictures that correspond with the text from the entry.

So here it goes:

Travel Day 1
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

1:30 pm
Well, we leave for the train in about an hour. I'm psyched. I'm all ready to go and I can't wait to see Chicago for the first time.

6:17 pm
We're on the train. We just played scrabble, it was a blast. We are passing the Johnstown Station. It's a pretty nice ride on a train. You see so much.

11:56 pm
I am on the sleeper car for Chicago. Pittsburgh was great. Such a big city compared to Lewistown. And train station benches are very hard to sleep on.

You'll have to suffer through the first few days of travel. I didn't find much to write about while on the train.

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